
Thank you for visiting our new minisplit Internet site. As an up-to-date business, we want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our company and our offers. A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.

Ductless mini split systems act very similarly to regular ducted systems except they have no ducts. They are simply an air handler (evaporator) attach to a wall or ceiling which in turn is attached to a condenser unit outside. As such, ductless mini split systems require consistent, ongoing maintenance to maintain their performance and efficiency. 

Basic maintenance should occur at least annually and in most areas twice a year. If you live in particularly dusty areas or have recently undergone gone construction, you may want to clean more often. 

There are two parts of the system that need to be maintained. The outdoor condenser, which should be cleaned/rinsed with water twice year to remove dirt and pollen from the coils. Then the indoor unit coil and blower wheel also need to be cleaned. The washable filters should be vacuumed or rinsed according to the manufacturer’s directions.  

The coil and the blower wheel can be cleaned less frequently since they tend to attract the smaller particles of dirt and dander in the air.  Factors including people, pets and location can increase the fouling time of the coil and blower wheel.  That debris, when mixed with moisture also causes the blower wheel  to get loaded up and will be out of balance.  These wheels can also be great breeding grounds for bacteria. 

We the use  the Desolv Mini Split Kit when cleaning your blower unit/evaporator. This all-in-one kit helps keep your room clean and protected as it captures all the water and cleaner you will use and safely funnels it away into a 5 gallon bucket. We also make sure your walls and floor are protected with drop cloths just in case of overrun of fluids. 

In the meantime you can reach us at 215-676-2424 and by email at minisplit@rclabbe.com.

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help.

In brief, you should know the following about us: R. C. Labbe Heating/Cooling established in 1982 and had been responsible for providing outstanding service and products to the Philadelphia  and surrounding areas ever since. Our specialty is in the area HVAC products to meet your needs and budget. Our regular customers particularly value the personal attention to their needs. Our business is located at 1936 Sanford St Philadelphia Pa 19116