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Crown Boiler Specifications

The Aruba 4 Series (AWR) residential, cast iron, hot water boiler is a fully-packaged, installer-ready product. The rear draft diverter provides a low profile design that allows for closet applications on AWR models through the AWR210. This atmospheric, gas-fired boiler is for use with a conventional chimney fueled with natural or LP gas. The Aruba 4 features a standardized Honeywell Intermittent Ignition System.The Aruba 4 comes with an Integrated Boiler Control with temperature control, relay, and ignition functions in a single module. This includes an additional circulator output for a second heating zone or an indirect water heater like the Mega-Stor. All controls are located inside the front vestibule, creating a clean look and space efficient design. With the controls located in the front of the boiler and supply/return tappings on both the left and right side, the Aruba 4 has flexible installation options to fit most locations.
