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Our Comfor Clubs

Benefits To You and Your Family

Service you Can Trust with over 30 year of experience R.C.Labbe Heating/Cooling has become synonymous with dependability,reliability, and afford ability. We find problems and let you know whit it is and what it will cost right up front,before making any costly repairs. That's just one way we insure you get what you expect- service you can trust.

Priority Emergency Service While preventive maintenance helps alleviate costly repairs,should you need us, R.C. Labbe Heating/cooling is there for you. We offer extended regular rates and emergency service. Comfort club members receive priority service and repairs.

Annual Savings Our Comfort club is designed to help you save money on preventive maintenance and repair work. Our Silver Club* saves you on labor for repairs and discounted parts if you covered system should malfunction. Our Gold Club* covers both preventive maintenance, parts,and labor repairs throughout the year. Finally our Platinum Club* offers the same as our Gold Club with extended coverage on equipment accessories. A clean well tuned unit work more efficiently than a dirty and neglected one, thus keeping you utility bills lower. Your equipment will have a longer life and fewer mechanical failures.

No Hassle Scheduling Leave the work to us! We use computerized scheduling for all maintenance check ups and will even call you to schedule the work. Let us do the work during our of season times.

Pace Of Mind Considering all of the benefits of our Comfort Club,perhaps the most important is you peace of mind. Season equipment check ups keeps your units running in tip-top shape for the heat of Summer or the cold of Winter, providing you with the comfort you expect. Priority service insures you will be taken care of even during busy times. You will enjoy annual saving with any of our Comfort clubs.

Our Comfort Club maintenance is not just a quick once over as with many companies. We really want to clean your equipment and get it running as efficiently as possible. Preventive maintenance is to prevent future problems and that is our goal.<Air Conditioner Maintenance includes washing of coils, checking refrigerant charge,(a unit 10% low on refrigerant can cost 20% or more to operate)and adjust as necessary,check electric connections to prevent burnt wire, check current draw, lubricate motors as needed,check & replace or wash filter as needed,check thermostat,check and flush condensate drain.

Gas Furnace and Boiler Maintenance includes checking heat exchangers and cleaning as needed,remover and clean burners as needed, remove and clean pilot assembly as needed,clean or replace thermocouple or flame sensor as needed,check gas safety controls, motors as needed, replace or was filter as needed, check flue pipe and chimney draft, check thermostat.

Silver Club

Our Silver club is the most economical choice. It is designed to help you save money on preventive maintenance and repair work. Our Silver Club* saves you on labor for repairs and discounted parts if you covered system should malfunction.

Air Conditioner Maintenance includes washing of coils, checking refrigerant charge,(a unit 10% low on refrigerant can cost 20% or more to operate)and adjust as necessary,check electric connections to prevent burnt wire, check current draw, lubricate motors as needed,check & replace or wash filter as needed,check thermostat,check and flush condensate drain.

Gas Furnace and Boiler Maintenance includes checking heat exchangers and cleaning as needed,remover and clean burners as needed, remove and clean pilot assembly as needed,clean or replace thermocouple or flame sensor as needed,check gas safety controls, motors as needed, replace or was filter as needed, check flue pipe and chimney draft, check thermostat.

Silver Club excludes parts & materials

10% Discount on Parts

Price    $125.00 - $195.00 per club purchase

Heater Only       $125.00       
A/C Only           $125.00       
A/C and Heater  $195.00      

Gold Club 

Our Gold Comfort Club is designed to help you save money on preventive maintenance and repair work. you covered system should malfunction.Our most popular Gold Club* covers both preventive maintenance, parts,and labor repairs throughout the year.

Air Conditioner Maintenance includes washing of coils, checking refrigerant charge,(a unit 10% low on refrigerant can cost 20% or more to operate)and adjust as necessary,check electric connections to prevent burnt wire, check current draw, lubricate motors as needed,check & replace or wash filter as needed,check thermostat,check and flush condensate drain.

Gas Furnace and Boiler Maintenance includes checking heat exchangers and cleaning as needed,remover and clean burners as needed, remove and clean pilot assembly as needed,clean or replace thermocouple or flame sensor as needed,check gas safety controls, motors as needed, replace or was filter as needed, check flue pipe and chimney draft, check thermostat.

Gold Club main exclusions heat exchangers, boiler sections,and gas burners over 10 yrs old or 90+ Efficiency. Unit cabinet, Zone valves, filters (except at Check up), Air Cleaners and Humidifiers. Compressors and coils of units out of warranty.

Price   $175.00 - $275.00 per club purchase

Heater Only         $175.00        
A/C Only             $175.00        
A/C and Heater   $275.00        
Water Heater        $20.00        
Humidifier            $25.00     

Platinum Club

Our Platiniun Club* covers both preventive maintenance, parts,and labor repairs throughout the year. O Platinum Club* includes extended coverage on equipment accessories. A clean well tuned unit work more efficiently than a dirty and neglected one, thus keeping you utility bills lower. Your equipment will have a longer life and fewer mechanical failures

Air Conditioner Maintenance includes washing of coils, checking refrigerant charge,(a unit 10% low on refrigerant can cost 20% or more to operate)and adjust as necessary,check electric connections to prevent burnt wire, check current draw, lubricate motors as needed,check & replace or wash filter as needed,check thermostat,check and flush condensate drain.

Gas Furnace and Boiler Maintenance includes checking heat exchangers and cleaning as needed,remover and clean burners as needed, remove and clean pilot assembly as needed,clean or replace thermocouple or flame sensor as needed,check gas safety controls, motors as needed, replace or was filter as needed, check flue pipe and chimney draft, check thermostat.

Platinum Club main exclusions heat exchangers, boiler sections,and gas burners on out of warranty units. Unit cabinet, Filters (except at Check up),Compressors and coils of units over 10 years old

Price   $195.00 - $375.00 per club purchase

Heater Only              $195.00       
A/C Only                  $195.00       
A/C and Heater         $375.00       
Water Heater (included)               
Humidifier,Air Purifier, Etc (included)              


Contact Us at 215-676-2424  or Email Us sales@rclabbe.com  for Complete Details on the Comfort Club the meets your needs.
